Chart index

interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas has a very simple and straightforward arrangement of the maps:

  • each chart covers 30° x 15°
  • the charts are centered on declinations +90°, +60°, +45°, +30°, +15°, 0°, -15°, -30°, -45°, -60°, -75°, -90°
  • each chart shows 2h in right ascension between +45° and -45° declination zones
  • each chart shows 3h in right ascension in +60° and -60° declination zones
  • each chart shows 4h in right ascension in +75° and -75° declination zones
North celestial pole 10h to 16h R.A. (northern spring)
4h to 10h R.A. (northern winter) 22h to 4h R.A. (northern autumn)
16h to 22h R.A. (northern summer) South celestial pole